
Waste plastic recycling system "Situation and Countermeasures"

  Due to the extensive use of plastics and good performance, plastic and steel, timber, cement form the four basic materials of modern industry, and promote the sustainable development of agriculture and industry and the rise of modern high-tech. The total amount of waste plastics was born is also rapid growth, the intensification of the contradiction between environment and development.
   Ecological crisis caused by plastic waste
   It is well known as a novel plastic material, because of its excellent performance, easy processing, low prices and rapid development, increasing penetration into daily life. However, with plastic products are widely used, with the large number of applications of plastics, waste generated is also increasing, causing serious pollution of the human environment. In particular plastic packaging material.

    According to incomplete statistics, in developed countries, the proportion of plastic waste in Europe and throughout the city waste in order to calculate the weight of close to 10% in terms of volume as high as 30% to 40%.
    And a lot of plastic waste scattered, even buried, also need 200 years to resolve, not to mention the plastic will be buried in soil and pollute underground water, destroy the soil structure.
    Therefore, recycling of waste plastics, as a cost-saving energy measures to protect the environment, has been a high degree of foreign enterprises and government. A recycling machine is important to an enterprise.

