
The reason behind the difficult Styrofoam waste recycling

Styrofoam is used in all aspects of our lives, such as food packaging, foam cups, Styrofoam boxes and so on. Recycled Styrofoam granules have a huge market potential and value. However, waste Styrofoam recycling is not an easy thing.

The first is the policy.

Our country waste plastic recycling is mainly by « picking up bottles » and other private channels to complete the recycling of waste plastics. Recently, however, affected by oil prices, recycling of waste plastic bottles almost unprofitable, picking up the bottle the enthusiasm of the army was gone, recycled plastic bottles has been greatly affected. Thus, the government should establish an official recycling channels, so that when the interests of the market recovery cannot drive people to ensure the normal inflow of waste plastics recycling plant. From policy should support regular plastic recycling enterprises, improve the mechanisms and standard plastic recycling, waste plastic recycling there is a clear quantitative criteria.

Second, the technical aspects
The method of recycling of plastics mainly for the physical regeneration, will recycle plastic waste through sorting, washing, processing directly after granulation molding. Waste plastics renewable way there are many, in addition to physical recovery also includes energy recovery, chemical reduction, and used as a solid fuel. Processing and utilization of waste plastics technology level is relatively low, a lot of waste plastic processing enterprises do not have the strength of the introduction of foreign advanced technology, but also unable to develop new technologies and processes.
Governments should accelerate their pace to help enterprises develop plastic recycling, it is the same important as Styrofoam recycling.

