
Hidden dangers in Khan steam room

The survey found that some of the Khan steam room heating method using electric heating film of the ground and wall, insulation layer using extruded polystyrene foam board which use polystyrene as xps raw material and other flammable combustible materials, and electric film often use polymer combustible materials, which easily lead to casualties. On top of that, polystyrene can also be recycled, we can take such actions as EPS recycling.

Fire fighters said that if you want to eliminate sweat steam room fire accident, you must analyze sweat steam room interior decoration, electrical wiring layout and working principle and other fire safety weaknesses carefully. Khan steam room must be decorated by formal, qualified professional decoration company and decoration materials must be produced by regular manufacturers to meet national standards. Sweat steam room must be responsible for the safety of personnel management of safe work.
Khan steam room shall not be pasted, decorated, hanging any items, to avoid the impact of heat caused by a fire accident. Khan steam room can not act as "drying room" use, after heating the ground can not stack any clothing, towels, bedding and other items, so as not to be timely damage to heat plus heating system, causing a fire. Sweat steam room are all the electrical appliances, circuits, lights, temperature control systems, electrical and other related electrical equipment, are not allowed to change and move The location, in order to avoid accidents.

Sweat steam floor of the ground due to heating system, it can not be added, placed, covered with any seats, stools, furniture and other items, so as not to cause heat caused by fire; sweat steam room service staff must master independence, to deal with the relevant knowledge of accidents, and have contingency contingency handling capacity; Khan steam room shall not be free to increase the heating facilities; Khan steam room must be equipped with emergency fire measures, in a clear position placed foam fire extinguishers.

