
Plastic waste pollution should be paid more attention

Recently, this is a report that a coral whale has been stranded in the west coast of Norway. The animal protection department was forced to euthanize this coral whale, and the researchers decided to give the coral beak whale which weigh up to 2020 kilograms a mercy killing, and plans to put its skeleton at the University of Bergen Museum. In the anatomy of this head Ziphius cavirostris, the researchers found that its belly stuffed with a large number of plastic products. Involved in anatomical work, University of Bergen zoologist Lys Levante said that the first Ziphius cavirostris's abdomen filled with plastic products, including at least 30 plastic bags and other small things, the digestive system has no food, and almost all blocked by plastic particles,which may result in severe pain due to plastic clogging. 

Though this thing, we can find that Marine plastic waste pollution is one of the serious environmental problems. Plastic waste pollution such as polystyrene can be consumed by fishes once it breaks down in the ocean. Marine animals higher up the food chain could eat the fishes that have consumed EPS, thus concentrating the contaminant. It could be a potential health hazard for us humans who are on top of the food chain considering that styrene, the plastic monomer used in manufacturing EPS has been classified by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a possible human carcinogen. Styrene is derived from either petroleum or natural gas, both of which are non-renewable and are rapidly being depleted, creating environmental sustainability problems for EPS. 
So, we should find solutions to solve this question, and plastic recycling such as polystyrene recycling is an important and a good way to reduce this kind of plastic pollution.

