
Three strategies to teach you to stay away from one-off "poisonous" cups

  The use of paper cups is already very wide. Because of its one-time use, it brings a lot of convenience. But like disposable lunch boxes are not completely safe,although polystyrene is not poisonous, disposable cups also potentially dangerous. So in everyday life, how do we choose disposable cups? And how can we be away from poisonous cups of it?
  First, the lamp according to a photo: presenting blue phosphor excessive caution
  The selection of disposable paper cups, do not look at paper cups whether the color is white or not, do not think the color is more white, the more health, some manufacturers in order to make paper cups cup look more white, adding a lot of optical brighteners. Once these harmful substances into the body, it will become a potential carcinogen.
  Expert advice: in the selection of paper cups, put it under the light, if the cups appear blue under fluorescent light, then the proof fluorescent agent exceeded, the consumer should use with caution.
  Second, pinch it: cup body limp not strong, accidentally leaks
  In addition, to use thick stiff paper cups, cup body stiffness bad pinch up very soft cups, poured into water or drinks, it will be soft and affect the use. When choosing paper cups, you can hand lightly on both sides of the squeeze cup, generally know the cup body stiffness good or bad.
  Experts suggest: the high quality paper cups can be filled with water 72 hours no leakage, and poor quality of water seepage only half hour.

  Third, the smell: body garish colors, be careful with ink poisoning
  Mostly cups stacked together, if wet or contaminated, will inevitably lead to mold, so damp paper cups must not be used.
  In addition, the pattern will be printed and some colorful words on paper cups, paper cups when stacked together, paper cups outside of the ink will inevitably affect its inner layer outside wrapped in paper cups, and ink containing benzene and toluene, damage to health, the most good buy outer ink-free printing or printing fewer cups.

  Expert advice: In such situations, just sniff it, you can easily identify them.

