
Liangzhou strengthen recycling of waste plastic sheeting

    In recent years, Liangzhou vigorously promote environmental protection regulations, knowledge, and actively carry out scientific and technological training of farmers, and continuously improve waste plastic sheeting recycling system, agricultural non-point source pollution has been further strengthened. By 2015, the region's recovery process is more than 6,000 tons of used plastic sheeting.
    Area introduced the "Strengthening agricultural film waste processing and utilization of agricultural non-point source pollution control to promote the work of opinions", put forward "the government advocacy, business driven, network recovery, mass participation" idea, the establishment of supply and marketing, farming, environmental protection, agricultural and other sectors responsible for human members of the leadership team, coordinate and direct the region's waste recycling of plastic sheeting, plastic sheeting and waste recycling sectors included towns and annual target management assessment content. Actively explore the scientific use of plastic sheeting technology, adopt new agricultural technology training, agriculture and environmental protection knowledge seminars, issuance of promotional materials, etc., to guide the majority of farmers to use plastic sheeting re-use no-till technology, dual-use technology to promote a film, timely open the film technology, mechanical pickup membrane technology to reduce the difficulty of picking up waste plastic sheeting.

    Meanwhile, the district adhere to the "business investment as the mainstay, supplemented by government support" principle, increase policy support, establish waste recycling and processing enterprises as the leading plastic sheeting, supply and marketing cooperatives in the township of waste recycling outlets plastic sheeting as a link, farmer participation, government regulation, market-oriented to promote the recycling of waste plastic sheeting system. Recycling and processing of waste plastic sheeting for funding to support key business processing and recycling network construction. Combined with plastic sheeting subsidies, and actively carry out the "TM", and each plastic sheeting sales outlets for recycling of waste plastic sheeting for-sale discount new plastic sheeting, recycling of used plastic sheeting to mobilize the peasants' enthusiasm. Waste plastic sheeting recycling and polystyrene recycling are both important which we should pay more attention.

