
Nextek establish a subsidiary in India to improve the recovery of plastics

       Headquartered in London Nextek recycling consulting company set up a new subsidiary of new manufacturing center in Pune, it will collaborate with local organizations to improve the efficiency of plastic recycling, to follow the Indian states more and more plastic ban. 
  These prohibitions mainly for lightweight plastic bags and disposable include cups, cutlery and other packaging supplies. This week Nextek with India and the All India Institute of Plastics Manufacturers Association together held a seminar in Mumbai and Pune.

  Nextek chairman Edward Kosior said: "The local companies quickly accepted the concept of circular economy and recognized looking for innovative plastic recycling field advantage in two seminars are concerned about two key themes of: Recycling and packaging composite membrane automatic classification, local companies are looking to expand beyond the current basic technique resin producers, manufacturers and recyclers are seeking new markets, increase profits and investments to increase productivity and profits. "
   Many enterprises are accelerating their pace of polystyrene recycling to earn money and protect the environment.

