
USA Introduced New Rules about Foam Packaging Equipment Industry

Washington Mayor Vincent Gray introduced a package of foam packaging equipment and approved by the City Council policy, which prohibits the use of disposable foam packaging is an important part of the policy.
Government regulations, restaurants, cafes, grocery stores, Meals on Wheels may no longer use disposable foam lunch boxes and drink bottles. In many brands of plastic bubble wrap to Styrofoam most famous, the most widely used range simultaneously.

Polystyrene foam is almost difficult to degrade, so it becomes one of the goals of environmentalism molecular resist. However, the government introduced the ban was strongly opposed to the plastics industry. Plastics company, which will lead to the sale of takeaway food restaurant had to increase operating costs, and these costs will eventually be passed on to consumers, to businesses and individuals unnecessary burden.

However, supporters of the policy claim that the ban will greatly reduce the Anacostia river flooded plastic garbage. Anacostia River runs through the heart of the city of Washington, DC, is an important river. However, with the increasing amount of foam packaging use, riverbanks and the river was full of discarded plastic waste, causing serious environmental pollution.

Styrofoam recycling is imminent now, GREENMAX helps you deal with your Styrofoam waste and purchase back your waste blocks.

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